Saturday, November 22, 2008

11 Weeks

I know, I know - I'm a horrible blogger as of late. To be honest I got nothin'. I've just been dealing with fatigue, fatigue and more fatigue. You're probably already sick of hearing me whine about being tired but really, it's nutso. Imagine walking around all day feeling like you've just drank a gallon of NyQuil and all you want is a nice warm bed and your favorite pillow. That's my life. My doctor says I'm about to turn a corner is a week or so since I'll be going into my second trimester and I will have more energy. Man, I hope so - I've become a hermit that works, sleeps, eats, sleeps, eats some more, sleeps... repeat. 

At my doctors appointment on Friday my doctor also told me that we would be able to find out the sex of the baby after Christmas, right around my 20th week - I cannot wait!!! I want to shop for everything baby but I'm resisting until we know what it is. Probably a good idea right now since I have no patience for the holiday shopping crowds and lack of parking spaces at the malls. 

On the other hand I do have some serious Christmas cheer this year. Last year I was such a grinch. I wanted nothing to do with Christmas, I didn't want a tree, I hated all Christmas music and barely decorated our house. This year it's all I can do to wait until after Thanksgiving to get out all the decorations and start putting them up. Yay Christmas! And don't even get me started on Thanksgiving - oh boy!!! 

Anyway, that's all I have for now, sorry it's not more exciting. I'll try and update a little more often :-)   

1 comment:

JesB said...

Don't forget, you're going to have a shower, I'm sure, and people will need stuff to buy, so don't buy it all up yourself!