I took these once we got home. I believe Evan is realizing the shock of meeting some of the family in this one...
In all seriousness, I have so much to be thankful for this year. I remember this day last year anticipating what the next year would bring. I was nervous and scared but I knew that our lives were going to change so much, for the better.
I'm thankful for my wonderful, patient husband who continues to crack me up every single day of my life.
My beautiful healthy baby boy - he is my sweet squish and I love him more than I ever imagined loving anyone.
My mom and dad - married 35 years and are still so obviously in love.
My big brother - still looking out for his little sis.
My great friends, I'm so grateful for reconnecting and strengthening our friendships over the past year. It means so much to me.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.