Tuesday, January 21, 2014

25 Weeks

Yesterday I had my 25 week ultrasound. Babies looked great and the doctor gave me an A+ for the ultrasound. Always great to hear! Baby A (boy) is about 1 pound 11 ounces and Baby B (girl) is about 1 pound 9 ounces. Baby A is head down and Baby B is breech but she still has several weeks to flip around.
Cervix is still holding strong at 4.3cm, doctor said short was 2.5cm and average was 3-3.5cm. Hoping hoping and wishing for no bed rest! But of course I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to keep these babies cookin' for another 11-13 weeks!
Still no names..and I'm feeling the pressure since that's usually the first thing anyone asks me. We're working on it though...just like the other 4 million things I want to do before they get here. Just don't ask about potty training Erin!
Still no results back from the Glucose test last week. I'm not anxious to hear the results so maybe I'll give them a while longer before I call to check on them.
That's about if for now. Here are some pics from yesterdays ultrasound.
Baby girls profile...notice baby boys foot in her face?
Baby B - my sweet girl.
Baby Boy profile.
Front of Baby Boys face.
Always a little creepy if you ask me ;)

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