Sunday, December 14, 2014

"This is Supposed to be Fun!"

I may have yelled that phrase more than once over the following Christmas festivities but all in all it was fun. I'm learning that things like these need to be done after the babies go to bed. If they are still awake I can't give anything my full attention especially lately. They have been so fussy in the evenings it's hard to get anything done let alone baking and keeping little gingerbread houses from falling apart.

 They had a lot of fun decorating (and sampling the candy).

 They were super excited to make cookies this year, the each took turns helping me add ingredients to the dough. Erin even took it upon herself to add a couple extra tablespoons of flour while I was turning on the oven. They still turned out ok though.

 Evan and I had equal amounts of flour all over us. I'm not sure how Erin stayed so flour free.

 I think they did a great job. I mean there are LOTS of sprinkles on these cookies but is that ever a bad thing?

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