Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Erin is a Kindergartner! And Evan is a Second Grader!

Our summer was ridiculously short, school started on July 27th this year. Erin was excited to start Kindergarten. I'm SO glad, it made it so much easier!

Evan was pretty tired on the first day, man he made me work for that smile.

We decided to let Erin ride the bus on the first day, just so she wouldn't fall behind on the routine. It was SO hard to watch her get on that big ole bus. But she did great and (obviously) was so excited!

After the bus left I took the twins to daycare and made my way to school to see her on her first day. There were no tears (even from me!) and she looked very eager to start the day.
When she got home she said she had a great day and couldn't wait to go back. Yay!

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