Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Continuing Quarantine

We're on Day 35 of staying home. We're still doing great. Puzzles, devices, playing outside, e-Learning, tv, devices, Disney +, Netflix, Uno, Old Maid, devices, repeat!

E-Learning is still going strong. We're doing three days a week until May 21st. Somedays are harder than others but we're hanging in there. We added dance into the rotation for both girls which I love, they missed their dance!
 Still lots of online meetings, I think most are optional (?) but we try and make them all.
Easter was two weeks ago and we had a good time. It was actually nice to stay home and not worry about being at a bunch of places.

Audrey and Wesley's birthday was this past weekend but that needs it's own post!
For now I'll leave you with this for posterity, I had $1 off per gallon at Kroger and it was the cheapest gas ever! 79 cents! Gas is now $1.59 per gallon without a discount. Crazy.

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