Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Erin is One Week

This week has been a blur. I think Erin has already changed so much from that first day. She is spending more time awake so I get to stare deeply into those beautiful eyes. I think they will probably be the same color as Evan's, blue. Not sure if she will keep her dark hair. Evan was born with hair as dark as her but it all fell out and ended up blonde.
She has the funniest facial expressions. Very serious that is for sure.
We took her to the pediatrician yesterday because we were concerned with her umbilical cord stump. It turned out to be fine and it actually fell off while we were at the doctor. And to save us a trip he went ahead and did her one week newborn asessment. She weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces, 75th percentile. He said everything else looks really great and he would see us again in a month.

Evan is doing really good with her. He is a very good helper and brings me anything I need. He's always asking "matter baby?" when she is crying. It's too cute.
It's been really great having Todd home this past week to do lots of fun stuff with Evan. I'm nervous for when I'm home alone with both kids but I'm sure it will be fine. I guess we'll see on Friday!

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