Saturday, December 3, 2011

Erin is 4 Months

Erin is doing great!!!
At her 4 month appointment she weighed 14 pounds 2 ounces and was 25 inches long, both the 50th percentile. She is now in the 75th percentile for her head size, was the 90th percentile.
She and I are sharing a nice head cold right now but she is handling it pretty good. Last night she did wake up at about 3am and wanted a bottle, she hasn't done that in over a month. She is just like her big brother was at this age when it comes to sleeping. I'm still doing the dream feed at 10:30 to get her to sleep all night though. I was scared to drop it with Evan and I honestly can't remember how long I kept giving it to him. I would like to go to bed earlier some night but it really doesn't bother me, I actually enjoy the quiet peacefulness of it.
Anyway - I picked her up at daycare yesterday and she was in an exersaucer, so I busted out the one my sister in law gave me and she loves it.
But I think they heavy cheeks drag her head down after a while. (Couldn't you just eat them up!?)

That's all for now, I hear a certain toddler that refuses to nap calling my name. Ugh.

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