Saturday, November 29, 2014

Tick Tock

Here I go again. Dwelling and dwelling and dwelling on time. Time that seems to be passing way too fast and I can't do anything about it. Not only is it the twins who seems to grow inches every night but Evan is five going on twenty five. And Erin…sweet Erin. I remember rocking her to sleep like it was yesterday, YESTERDAY! Her babydom is so fresh in my mind and Audrey looks (and dresses) a lot like her so it's tough for me to let it go. Let go that she isn't a snuggly little baby anymore. 
I'm trying everyday to live in the moment and even when things get crazy to remember how very very blessed and lucky I am. 
 It isn't hard, really. All I have to do is take a look around. Of course I'm looking past the dirty floor or laundry pile in the corner, or breakfast plate on the table that should've been put in the sink three hours ago.
 Of course I have my moments. Last night for example Todd had to be at work at 4am so he was asleep. At 9pm it was the E's bedtime (catastrophe) and A & W were SCREAMING for some unknown reason. It was a lot. All at once. Erin wouldn't go to bed, and proceeded to meltdown in the hall causing all kinds noise which wasn't helping the babies crying situation. Evan wanted a drink and food. He barely touched his dinner so I knew he was hungry but we've had this discussion a lot recently about eating dinner and not being allowed snacks before bed so I was standing my ground.
Anyway, long story short I ended up feeding the babies and threatened the E's with the holy grail of threats - no iPad for a week. All was well after 20 minutes or so but it was so emotionally draining I went straight to bed after.
It's hard to not have much downtime. I think back to six years ago and I wonder what the hell I did with all my time? Now I get about 30 minutes a night to blog, online shop, pay bills, watch tv or whatever else I might want to do. Yes this 30 minutes includes housework. Pfttt!
But at the end of the day I wouldn't trade it for the world. I knew how time flies and a dirty house can wait, my babies cannot. I'll take rolling around on the floor with them over mopping floors any day.

So a rambling random post for tonight, pretty much how my brain works these days.

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