Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Erin is 4 Weeks

How is it possible that nearly a month has passed since I had her?
I take her in for her one month check up on Friday and I will post her stats then but I wanted to do a quick post about how we are doing.
Erin has a pretty good schedule right now. I could set a clock to her feedings. She eats about every 3 hours during the day with her last feeding at 9:30. She then sleeps until 2:30am, eats and goes right back to sleep. She wakes up at 6:30am everyday and that is when we start our day. I can't complain too much since she is only getting up once a night and has been for over a week now. We switched her to sensitive formula since she was spitting up quite a bit and seemed really uncomfortable after she ate. It has helped with the spitting up but not too much with the squirmy discomfort she seems to have after she eats.

Evan is still doing great with her. Any time he is near her he is happy. Always smiling and asking how she is doing. He must kiss her 20 times a day! He says he loves his sister and it just melts my heart.

Sometimes we do see a bit of jealousy though. Most of the time it is when he is really tired and doesn't have much patience for "mommy needs to feed the baby" or "mommy needs to change the baby".
He is adjusting though, as we all are to our new addition, new schedule and new adventures. He still doesn't understand he's a little too big for her toys though.

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