Monday, September 1, 2008

Behold, the External Flash

Saturday I bought my first external flash for my camera and I honestly don't know how I lived without it. This was tops on my list of things I needed to get going. I knew it was important but I didn't expect to fall instantly in love.
This is the result with the external flash...

This is with no flash at all - blurry mess. Mainly because the dog doesn't sit still.
Oh glorious external flash...

This is what happens when i use the horrendous pop-up flash on the camera.

So worth the investment, wouldn't you say?


Jennie said...

Totally worth it! I sooo need to get back to using ours. Since I got my small camera, every picture I take is "horrendous pop-up flash". Bad, because kids don't sit still either!

Lily looks extra lovely now. All she needed was the right lighting ;)

JesB said...

oooh, very nice! Worth it, I agree!